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Psomagen Joins PacBio Certified Service Provider Network for Revio

Written by Psomagen | Jun 5, 2024 10:07:07 PM

June 20, 2024 – Rockville, Md. – Psomagen is proud to announce our membership in the global network of PacBio certified service providers. We are qualified on the Revio system, a powerful long-read sequencing technology that offers affordability, high throughput, and exceptional accuracy. To obtain this certification, Psomagen lab staff completed rigorous training on sample processing and data analysis. 

HiFi sequencing on the Revio system provides:

  • High accuracy long reads: HiFi reads tens of kilobases long can help resolve complex structural variations, tandem repeat expansions and map to difficult, repetitive regions of the genome with ease.

  • Exceptional accuracy: Reliable answers through exceptional accuracy, with 90% of bases ≥Q30.

  • Direct methylation detection included: Simultaneous 5mC detection in CpG contexts without any additional library preparation.

  • Uniform coverage across sequence contexts: With optimized polymerase and amplification-free design, this technology delivers uniform coverage, even in high-GC regions and tandem repeats that have historically been difficult to sequence.

  • Dramatic increase in throughput over Sequel II: The Revio system processes samples faster than ever before, providing whole genomes or flow cell runs in 24 hours across 4 flow cells.

The launch of the PacBio Revio system marks a new era in long-read sequencing.  As a Certified Service Provider, Psomagen is thrilled to  have introduced this cutting-edge technology in 2023 that redefined what is possible in long-read sequencing.

The Revio system offers the most complete and accurate views of genomes, transcriptomes, and epigenomes. It has already helped to make groundbreaking discoveries in many fields, from human genetics to agriculture and microbiology. SMRT sequencing technology from PacBio supports applications like: 

At Psomagen, we are dedicated to exploring all the applications available on the PacBio Revio platform. Our labs have provided PacBio services for years, both on the Sequel IIe platform and as an early adopter of the Revio. We aim to keep our clients informed about these cutting-edge capabilities, as many have expressed a keen interest in leveraging the full potential of this third-generation sequencing technology.  Psomagen applies quality controls measures throughout the Revio workflow to ensure sample success and optimal results of high-quality sequencing data.

About Psomagen

Psomagen, Inc., formerly Macrogen Corp, is a North American integrative omics solutions and contract laboratory services provider. The company makes cutting-edge technology and data analysis accessible to the clinical and academic markets. With both CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited facilities, their team delivers only the highest-quality integrative multi-omics data using best-in-class DNA, RNA, and protein analysis systems. In conjunction with its bioinformatics capabilities, Psomagen offers a path to insights that is both simple and affordable. Learn more at


Abhilasha Cheruku

Genomics Product Manager

About Pacific Biosciences

PacBio is a California-based provider of sequencing solutions that solve complex genomics problems. Their sequencers are designed to create more complete images of the genome, transcriptome, and epigenome. PacBio users have made contributions to rare disease research, public health surveillance, pharmaceutical development, and many other fields. Learn more at